Saturday 27 July 2013

Interesting Programming Puzzle - Separate Engineers and Managers

There are n people of which more than half are engineers and the rest are managers. An engineer always tells the truth. A manager may  or may not speak the truth. to every ith guy, you can ask whether the jth guy is an engineer.
Find out a way to separate out engineers and managers in the most efficient way.

Solution :

Here's an n-1 query solution
1. Maintain three sets of people: UNSEEN, STACK, and DISCARD.
2. Initialize the process by picking one arbitrarily to be the STACK, everything else is UNSEEN.
3. Repeat the following step until UNSEEN is empty:
        a. Pick an UNSEEN element x, remove it from UNSEEN.
        b. Ask the top of the STACK y about x. If y says "manager" pop y off the stack and DISCARD both x and y. If it says "engineer" add x to the top of the STACK.

After all elements have been processed in this way (n-1 comparisons), the top of the stack must be an engineer. Once we get an engineer, we can separate out engineers and managers by asking the engineer since an engineer always speaks truth.

Why does this work? 

First observe that whenever we discard a pair, at least one of them is a manager(If you don't understand this, check by taking various cases). So among the rest of them (STACK and UNSEEN) a majority must still be engineers. So at the end,when UNSEEN is empty, there must be an engineer in the stack, therefore the top of the stack must be an engineer.

This can be improved to n-2 simply by stopping one earlier. When there's one UNSEEN left, if the stack is empty, that UNSEEN one is an engineer. Otherwise, the top of the stack must be an engineer. If is n is even and n>=4, as a first step we can just throw out one person, and apply this algorithm to the remaining n-1 obtaining n-3 comparisons. This gives the optimal algorithm.